Tuesday, August 09, 2016

5 Favorite Day Trips near Grafenwoehr

I love taking day trips, I even wrote a post on Economical Excursionists about why Day trips are better than vacations : Click Here to read it.
Living in Europe is a dream come true. Germany, in my opinion is the perfect location to travel. I wanted to take advantage of every single free moment we had, although life sometimes got in the way, I think for the most part we accomplished quite a bit. I've been thinking about my favorite day trips and wanted to share with you a list of my top 5 favorite day trips to take from Bavaria, (Grafenwoehr/Vilseck) that won't cost you an arm and a leg.

1. Visit a Castle Ruin

I had to start with my favorite one! Castle ruins are my thing. It's the perfect Sunday activity when you want to do something, but you don't want to venture too far from home. This is great for every member of your family, even the ones covered in fur!

2. See a Memorial (i.e. from WWI & WWII)


This might not be everyone's cup of tea. But, I believe that everyone should take the time to remember what happened 70+ years ago. Germany played big roles in both WWI & WWII, you can see it all over the country, from concentration camps (Flossenburg, Dachau), to war memorials (Hall of Liberation, Nazi Party Documentation Center), even places that were bombed and restored after the war (Wurzburg Residence, Nuremberg Imperial Castle). If you're not interested in WWI & II memorials, there are some like Wahalla which honors distinguished people in German History. In my opinion you cannot leave Bavaria without seeing one.

3. Visit a medieval town

 Need I say more? It's the most famous medieval town in all of Germany. I'm sure you've seen it in a magazine, or two. It's such a cute town, that although very busy all year round (it's Christmas all year round here) it still has the small town charm. Take a stroll along the medieval walls, grab a bite to eat 'in Hell' (The restaurant, Zur Holl, literally translates to 'in Hell') walk along cobblestone streets, but don't forever to take a tour with the night watchman!

If you've been to Rothenburg, consider Dinkelsbühl, another medieval town along the Romantic Road, far less busy than Rothenburg, but with the same medieval Charm

4. Cross the border into the Czech Republic

You can drive 40 minutes and you're in another country! I loved being able to do that. The Czech Republic is a hidden gem. While most people visit Prague (since it's only 2hrs away, make sure to visit it as well) My favorite place in the Czech Republic is Chodovar, (Chodová Planá) This is a one stop place if you are looking to relax. Beer spas (you skin will thank you for it after words), to brewery tours, you can even have a meal in an actual cave!

5. Pick a direction and take a drive

Some of my favorite memories were when we went out to go exploring, and found things along the way to see (Pottenstein, Neideck ruins). By nature, I am a planner, but there have been days where plans get thrown and we decide to just stop off and follow that sign, and so far I haven't been disappointed.

There you have it. My top 5 favorite things to see near Grafenwoehr. Are any of these your favorite things? Did I miss your favorite place to visit/see? Let me know!

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